We are having quite a show around here, aren't we? It was a year without real winter. And now... a spring unlike no other.
The usual succession blooming of various spring flowers...from small crocuses that are so good at braving the cold nights, to tulips that welcome more day light. Bright yellow forsythia usually precedes the first round buds of dogwood that slowly open up to greet the warmer days. The fragrant and stunning crab apples come a bit later, and lilacs usually don't waltz in until late April or early May.
Instead... we have a huge, thunderous orchestra of all of the above blooming at the same time. Right now. Daffodils are still here, and the lilacs have also joined all of those in between.
It's spectacular, albeit, nerve-wrecking. Let's hope it's an anomaly... But by gosh, I hope you are all enjoying it as much as I am!
Gorgeous photos!